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Weekly Update


This week on the farm saw a flurry of activity even with the holiday weekend.

Wild black raspberries and mulberries are ripening like crazy, so we had the kids out collecting them and getting them ready to be made into jam, and over the long weekend that's exactly what Audra did. The berry patch with blackberries and red raspberries are nearing harvest time too and should be ready in the next couple of weeks. Unfortunately the rabbits had a feast on the strawberries so we will have to fence off that area so we can get some next year.

Bourbon red heritage turkeys arrived on Friday and are doing well. These guys take longer to mature than our standard turkeys and we are excited to see how they taste come Thanksgiving.

We continue to perform maintenance on the gardens and the orchard and soon the garlic will be ready for pickling. Herbs are in full swing and we have oregano, sage, basil, mint, summer savory, and tarragon all available for orders if you desire.

Over the long weekend we working on splitting and stacking our firewood for the coming winter, mowing the pasture, and for fun we smoke a leg of lamb and a chicken to try out some new recipes.

This next week we are looking forward to some much needed rain for the orchard and putting some more mulch down in the orchard and on the garden beds.

Thank you to all our customers for your continued support and we'll be back next week with another update.

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